Get in contact with Yunus Akkoç now
Koç University School of Medicine, Department of Medical Biology
Research Associate/Junior Research Team Leader
KUTTAM Research Center for Translational Medicine
  • 2009-2013

    Undergraduate Degree, T.C. İstanbul Kültür University

  • 2013-2019

    Ph.D. of Molecular Biology, Genetics and Bioengineering, Sabancı University, Istanbul (Gozuacik Lab).

  • March 2023-Now

    Lecturer, Koç University School of Medicine, Department of Medical Biology

  • June 2020-2023

    Postdoctoral Fellow, Koç University Research Center for Translational Medicine (KUTTAM)

  • Jan 2020-June 2020

    Postdoctoral Fellow, Sabancı University/SUNUM

  • 2019- Today

    EACR Ambassador

  • 2023-now

    Editorial Board Member, Turkish Journal of Biology

  • 2012-now

    Peer Reviewer Duties, More than 10 journals including, Autophagy (IF:16); ACS Nano (IF:13,9); Journal of Nanobiotechnology (IF:9,4); Frontiers in Oncology (IF:5,7).

  • 2024

    Federation of Biochemical Societies of Europe (FEBS), FEBS Bursary,48th FEBS Congress, 28-3 June-July, Italy.

  • 2023

    Federation of Biochemical Societies of Europe (FEBS), FEBS Bursary, 47th FEBS Congress, 8-12 July, Tours, France.

  • 2023

    European Association for Cancer Research (EACR)Travel Grant, EACR 2023 Congress: Innovative Cancer Science, 12-15 June, Torino, Italy.

  • 2022

    European Association for Cancer Research (EACR)

  • 2022

    International Cell Death Society (ICDS) Conference“Future of cell death in basic science and translational medicine.”, Best Poster Award, 2-5 July, Istanbul, Turkey.

  • 2021

    Turkish Biochemical Society (TBD), Prof. Dr. Nazmi Özer Science Award

  • 2016-2019

    Teaching Assistant Award in Sabancı University(4 times).

  • 2018

    Oral Presentation Award, 2nd Çukurova Hepatocellular carcinoma congress, 23-25 February Adana, Turkey.

  • 2017

    Best Poster Award, Functional Surfaces and Interfaces Workshop, 25 November, SUNUM, Turkey.

  • 2016

    Best Poster Award, 6st Multidisciplinary Cancer Research Congress, Konya, 27-30 October, Turkey.

  • 2016

    FENS Excellence in Teaching Award in Sabancı University, BIO 306 Microbiology & BIO 301 Introduction to Molecular Biology courses.

  • 2016

    Young Researcher Scholarship, 6st Multidisciplinary Cancer Research Congress, 27-30 October, Konya, Turkey.

  • 2016

    TBD Gönül Çulhacıoğlu Kanser Araştırmaları Bursary Award, 41st Federation of Biochemical Societies of Europe (FEBS) Congress, 3-8 September Kuşadası, Turkey.

  • 2015

    Travel Award, MOKAD 3rd EACR-Sponsored Anticancer Agent Development Congress, 18-19 May, İzmir, Turkey.

  • 2014

    Best Poster Award, FEBS Advanced Course: Lysosome 360°, 23-28 October, İzmir, Turkey.

  • 2014

    Young Scientist Bursary, FEBS Advanced Course: Lysosome 360°, 23-28 October İzmir, Turkey.

  • 2013-2018

    2211-A TUBITAK-BIDEB Scholarship during PhD. for 5 years.

  • 2013

    İstanbul Kültür University Travel Award, Gordon Research Conference on Polyamines, 16-21 June New Hampshire, USA

2024 :Haliç University, II. Genesis Zirvesi Etkinliği, 10-11 May Istanbul, Turkey.

2024 :İstanbul Medeniyet University, İMÜ Genoteam Kanser Günleri, 3 May Istanbul, Turkey.

2024 :Sabanci University, Bio-Seminars, 29 April 2024 Istanbul, Turkey.

2024 :5. Kök Hücre ve Hücresel Tedaviler Kongresi, 19-20 April Istanbul, Turkey.

2023 :BioTech Talks III. 26-27 May 2023 Istanbul, Turkey.

2023 :10th National Genetics and Bioengineering Student Congress. 14-15 April 2023 Istanbul, Turkey.

2022 :33. Ulusal Biyokimya Kongresi. 26-30 October 2022 Çeşme, Turkey.

2022 :I. International Advances in Molecular Biology Congress, 19-22 September 2022 Istanbul, Turkey.

2017 :İstanbul Kültür University Molecular Biology and Genetics Department Student Club Meeting, 1 March 2017 İstanbul, Turkey.

2016 :Adana Numune Hospital Departmental Meeting, 12-13 February 2016 Adana, Turkey.

  • 2022

    Meeting Executive Committee Member, International Cell Death Society (ICDS) Conference: “Future of cell death in basic science and translational medicine. 2-5 July, Istanbul, Turkey.

  • 2016

    Hosting Committee Member, 1st International Cell Death Research Congress, 4-7 May, İzmir-Turkey.

  • 2016

    Organization Committee Member, 2nd Karaköy Autophagy Symposium, Minerva Han, 3 May, İstanbul-Turkey.

  • 2016

    Organization Committee Member and Lecturer, 1st Autophagy Practical Course, Sabanci University, 2 May, İstanbul-Turkey.

  • 2012

    Hosting Committee Member, International Polyamine Congress: "Polyamines: Biological and Clinical Perspective. 2-7 September, Istanbul, Turkey.

CAMM606: Tumor microenvironment of solid tumor II - Koç University Graduate School of Health Sciences

CAMM537: Cell Death Mechanisms - Koç University Graduate School of Health Sciences

CAMM531: Autophagy in Health and Disease - Koç University Graduate School of Health Sciences

CAMM533: Mechanism of Cancer Metastasis and Recurrence - Koç University Graduate School of Health Sciences

LYOFN04: Molecular Biology, Genetic Engineering and Nanomedicine Course. - Sabancı University Summer High School

Sabancı University Applied Nanotechnology Summer School, Genetic Diseases and Gene Therapy Researches Course.

Teaching Assistant:Sabancı University, Molecular Biology, Genetics and Bioengineering Program, BIO 306: Microbiology Undergraduate Level Course.

Teaching Assistant:Sabancı University, Molecular Biology, Genetics and Bioengineering Program, BIO 301: Introduction to Molecular Biology Undergraduate Level Course.

KUTTAM Research Center for
Translational Medicine,
Koç University Hospital, Zeytinburnu
34010, Istanbul, TURKIYE
+90 212 467 87 00